Frequently Asked Questions

+ Where can I see patch notes for Fantasy+?

Head over to our blog to see the latest known bugs and recent patches to Fantasy+! Our inbox is always open if you find additional bugs that are not listed in the patch notes.

+ Does Fantasy+ work on mobile devices?

Yes, Fantasy+ works on all mobile devices! However, the player is optimized for desktop use. Apple devices are not allowed to use the audio faders inside of the player as Apple released an update that restricts volume control to the physical device -- meaning that you are only ever allowed to adjust audio levels using the buttons on your phone. We find that if you set up your playlists on desktop, playing them back on mobile is a much smoother experience. We will be releasing Fantasy+ to the Google Play Store in the coming months and this version of the mobile app should be as easy as desktop to navigate. For now, we recommend that you run your sessions on desktop for the optimal experience!

+ I've just bought Fantasy+. How do I make my own playlists?

Start by clicking your profile image in the top right corner. Then, hit "Default" -- this will initialize your session and give you a blank slate to start from. From here, click upload. Most users use the 4 slots on the left for musical tracks and then the 4 slots on the right for ambient soundscapes. Select system music if you intend to use our library to populate the playlist. Then, explore! Once you land on a track you'd like to add to the playlist hit the save icon next to the track name. Once you've built a playlist, give it a name in the top left corner and then hit the "save" button located next to the "load" button.

+ When I login to Fantasy+ it asks to pay for my subscription again, what's happening?

From what we can tell this bug is rare and affects random accounts sporadically. The best solution is to clear the cache inside of your browser. The process of clearing the cache is different for each browser, but very quick and easy to do. If this fix doesn't work please reach out to us via email and we will get your account sorted out!

+ Is it easy to cancel Fantasy+?

Yes! Simply click your profile in the top right corner and hit manage subscription. From there, hit cancel and you will not be billed again. Your account and playlists will remain usable until the time on your account runs out. For example, if a new user signs up and immediately cancels their subscription -- they will have 30 days from the date they cancelled left on their account.

+ Is Fantasy+ compatible with Apple Products?

Yes! Fantasy+ is compatible. The only difficulty is that on mobile iOS devices the audio level is always under the users physical control. So, that means Apple users will have to manually adjust audio levels via the mechanical buttons on the device. The volume sliders do work as intended on Macbooks and iMac computers! The application is optimized for desktop usage. All Android devices mobile or desktop are compatible as well.

+ How do I adjust audio levels in Fantasy+?

Click on the downward arrow at the bottom to bring up the mixer. Click it again, or tap the X in the corner to hide it once more.

+ What does the big wheel next to the faders do in Fantasy+?

This is a global audio wheel. Click inside of the wheel and drag to fade in and out all active audio.

+ Does Fantasy+ auto loop music?

Fantasy+ will auto loop any audio that you play forever until you hit pause.

+ When can I expect free updates to the packs?

We strive to get an update out via email to all clients by the first week of every month!

+ Are refunds available for the All in One Bundle?

Unfortunately, digital products are non refundable as there is no teneable way to ensure that our products will not be used after we administer a refund. However, Fantasy+ subscriptions refunds/cancellation is available to those who need it. Just reach out to us!

+ How can I download the new updates for the packs?

Check your primary email and spam folder, sometimes the update gets flagged by google and is sent to your spam folder. If that is not the case, email us and we will re-send you the update directly.

+ Are the sounds and scores available to be used in commericals, movies, videos?

Of course! That is precisely why we built these packs. All samples are 100% royalty free. We only ask that you do not sell our sample pack to other people!

+ How long have you been making music?

We have over 10+ years of experience making music, it's something we've been passionate about for a long time.

+ What do you use to make these products?

We use a very broad spectrum of tools. For example, Hans Zimmers personal orchestral VST, Straylight, Izotope Ozone 9, Logic X, Ableton 10, Joshua Bell's Violins, Alicia's Keys, and many, many more. We have spent a considerable amount of time and money building our library of sounds over the last 10 years.

+ What can I use Apocalypse samples for?

The sound of the pack is certainly oriented towards darker and serious cinematography, but that's not to say it isn't versatile. There are many emotional scores, suspenseful drops, and multi-purposed songs/samples that can be used in a host of projects like documentaries, video essays, Youtube videos, advertisements, DND campaigns, etc.

+ How do I download the packs?

Upon purchasing, you’ll receive an off-site link to download the pack. The link will expire within 48 hours, so be sure to download it quick!

+ Are the packs a monthly subscription or a one time purchase?

The sound packs that have the designs on them (like the all in one bundle) are one time purchases. Monthly updates for these packs are provided to you at no additional cost. Fantasy+ is our newest product and has a monthly subscription fee of $4.99.

+ Can I purchase the packs as a gift?

Yes! We have recently added the option to purchase gift cards for the holidays. You will be emailed a unique code that the recipient can then enter at checkout.

+ How long is each track generally for Fantasy Complete?

Most tracks are between 70-120 seconds, with some outliers running at 3-4 minutes. We find that most DM's will loop the shorter tracks inside of Final Cut or Premier to meet their needs.

+ What format do these files come in? Phsyical/Digital?

These packs are digital downloads, you will receive a link to your email upon purchase.

+ Can I access the music from the packs on my phone?

Yes, you may use them on any mobile device! It is easier to download the samples initially onto a desktop before moving them over to your phone. However, the iZip application for Apple users will solve this issue if you want to go unzip the files directly from your mobile device. Android devices have this capibility natively and can unzip the files without any need for outside apps. Then, you can use iTunes for Apple or Music Player for Android to play the tracks.

+ Can I use these sounds for editing videos?

Of course! These packs come with a royalty free license, so feel free to use the sounds in any way you see fit. You do not have to worry about copyright strikes if you plan to upload to IG/YT/FB.

+ How do I use Fantasy Complete for DM'ing?

Simply drag and drop the .wav files into the program you use for DM’ing! (Final cut, Premier, Logic, etc.) Some people do broadcast the audio through Discord. (Be sure to lower the volume of the music if you run it through Discord as your speaker is very close to the external microphone.) Our new app has been designed to solve this problem by having our entire library in one easy to use place (with the ability to upload your own content).

+ Can I download these files from the packs onto a mobile device?

Yes! To get these files to an Apple phone/device there are 2 options. The easiest way we've found is by downloading the "unzip" or "izip" app from the App Store (both of which are free) for quick and easy extraction. The other option is to plug your phone directly into your computer, unzip the folders via desktop and then drag and drop the audio files straight into your phone/tablet; this is the most common way people put our audio onto external devices. It is likely best to do it this way since you can pick and choose what you want on the device.

If you have a samsung tablet or phone you are able to unzip the files directly from your devices download folder without the need for third party apps. Likewise, the latter of the two solutions listed above pertain to Samsung devices as well.